Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cheap Car Insurance

Cheap car insurance is not always easy to get, but if you buy your policy online then you can often get cheaper auto insurance that you could from a High Street broker. However, that is not to say that a broker is more expensive, only that online tends to offer less inexpensive auto insurance.
There is a broad approach to acquiring a low cost car insurance policy, assuming that have no qualms about the morality of your tactics to obtaining the cheapest auto insurance you can find. It begins with an insurance broker not just one but two or three. Contact the brokers and provide them with your basic information. They will come back to you with the best prices they can find, though these prices will not be the best discount auto insurance deals since you need something to negotiate with to get a discount.
You will then inform your broker that they are all too expensive for you, and ask advice on how to get the price reduced. They will offer the best advice they can since they want your business, so you will take a note of their suggestions. Some of these will be legal and some not, depending on the company you are dealing with, but it is best not to lie on your applications because that can come back and bite you on the bum.
You should then provide them with some negotiating facts so that they can come back to you with the cheapest car insurance rates they can find. Facts such as your good driving record with no convictions and no insurance claims. The fact that you are prepared to accept a $500 deductible, and don t need uninsured driver s cover. You might even not need comprehensive cover. That kind of thing can make a difference.
Your broker will come back with a price, and then if you feel it is still too high, you can go to the insurance companies direct. You will likely be provided with low cost quotes since you are now cutting out the middleman. However, if you feel that you want the hassle of arranging the policy taken out of your hands, you can stay with the broker. It is your choice.
Your alternative is to go online and use a search engine. There are several auto insurance companies that compare cheap prices, and then offer you the cheapest premium prices that they have been able to find. If you want to buy car insurance online, then that is likely the best way to do it. However, you can still negotiate, whether you are buying online or off line.
The whole objective is to get the affordable car insurance that you can, so ultimately you should approach the individual auto ins companies and ask them for the cheapest discount prices they can offer to you. In return you should provide them with all the information you have, but and this is important keep at least one important bargaining point hidden.
That might be that you have never made a claim, or that you are willing to pay a $500 deductible, or even that you are prepared to transfer your house and life policies over to them also. Don t offer all of these in the final negotiation since they might come in useful later.
It is like a game of chess. Beat them down to a minimum by providing the minimum of information, then provide what is up your sleeve, one at a time, until you have cheapest car insurance to date. Be sure, however, that you are able financially to offer the exclusions that you offer them. Don t offer a $500 deductible if you can t afford to pay $500 in the event of an accident.
Cheap car insurance is available if you know how to get it. It is not difficult, but you need to know how. Follow the advice above and you are likely to succeed, since it has been tested and it does work.

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